
11 Healthy Tips to Cope with Academic Stress from a Fellow Academic

11 Healthy Tips to Cope with Academic Stress from a Fellow Academic

University can be an exciting yet challenging experience for many students. The pressure to succeed academically, meet deadlines, manage daily assignments, and prepare for exams can often lead to significant stress. Social pressures such as fitting in, managing finances, thinking about the future and living with people they do not know further contribute to the stress.

The academic stress is more than just the usual pressure of assignments and exams. The psychological and emotional burdens that increase panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, and depression in students are part and parcel of it. From 1% in 2010-11 to 5.7% in 2021-22, the proportion of students in the UK having mental health issues has increased rapidly, as reported by UK Parliament: House of Commons Library.

11 Healthy Tips to Cope with Academic Stress from a Fellow Academic

So, what can students do to cope with these pressures? In this article, we explore 11 healthy coping strategies that can serve as a first line of defence against academic stress.

How to Cope with the Academic Stress? Top 11 Strategies from Experts

Coping is usually related to an effort to tolerate or adjust to a bunch of negative realities when you try to keep your emotional equilibrium. Adopting healthy coping strategies can assist you in dealing with academic challenges. Also, they make you well-prepared to tackle all the pressure resulting from a workload of assignments.

Let’s explore the top 11 healthy coping strategies for academic stress in depth here.

1.      Set Realistic Goals

You should break down your academic goals into achievable and smaller tasks. This approach can make your academic workload feel more manageable, and you will not feel stressed anymore. A study conducted by Dominican University reported that students who set realistic goals for themselves are 43% more likely to achieve them in the long run.

Also, don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the way as it will keep you motivated for future tasks.

2.      Prioritise Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is important when you are dealing with too much academic pressure. Ensure that you eat nutritious meals, get enough sleep and engage in physical activities such as regular exercise. If you are feeling too low to work on your papers, shift some of your burden to professional assignment writers. They can assist you in turning in your papers on time.

Furthermore, participating in class activities and taking breaks to enjoy your free time can also recharge you for the hectic study week. When you prioritise yourself, you will automatically be in a healthy mindset to cope with different challenges.

3.      Manage Your Time

Creating a realistic schedule should be at the top of students’ lists if they want to stay organised. You should prioritise your academic tasks based on their importance and urgency. Time management is one of the healthy coping strategies for academic stress.

As per Clockify, 38% of college students need assistance with planning their academic schedules. You should allocate enough time for studying every day and take breaks to maintain a healthy balance in your routine.

4.      Stress Management Techniques

One healthy coping strategy for academic stress is the techniques students can use to bust all their stress. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can put your nerves to rest. You can also engage in different hobbies, such as spending time in nature or listening to music.

It can reduce your stress levels greatly. Some other stress-managing tips and techniques are here:

  1. Regular stress-relieving exercises
  2. Eating healthy
  3. Talking to friends or family
  4. Practising mindfulness
  5. Playing badminton or other sports
  6. Trying progressive muscle relaxation
  7. Spending time outside
  8. Getting enough sleep

5.      Use Technology

You can use various tech-based applications and gadgets to streamline your educational paper writing process and lower stress levels. For instance, students can use these applications for the management of their academic burden:

  • Digital calendars
  • Study aids
  • Task management apps and more

Using digital gadgets, you can also keep track of different deadlines and organise your papers. Several citation management software and other online resources help students gather enough helpful data for the systematic literature review and other chapters of their papers.

6.      Don’t Compare Your Progress with Others

Remember that everyone has their unique weaknesses and strengths. Instead of constantly comparing yourself and your progress with others, you should focus on your personal growth.

You should make a conscious effort to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Remember that everyone works at their own pace, and the path to success is different for everyone. Stay determined, focused, and true to yourself.

7.      Take Breaks

Keep in mind that it is important to give yourself breaks to rest and recharge. You should avoid pushing yourself too hard to study and keep taking breaks. According to Daily Mail, taking a small 5-minute mental break can increase the productivity of students by over 50% for upcoming tasks.

Acknowledge all your efforts and remember that it is completely okay to make mistakes. Since learning is a continuous process, it is natural to face different challenges along the way.

8.      Study in Groups

Creating a study group can help students maintain a steady track record of progress. In a group, students can share their learning experiences and reach out to professors or other instructors for additional support.

According to Forbes, the collaborative efforts of students boost their productivity by 20%. Students who participate in group study sessions end up getting 10-15% higher grades than those who do not participate in the group sessions.

9.      Adopt Healthy Study Habits

To effectively implement healthy coping strategies for academic stress, you should cater to effective study habits. Try experimenting with different learning methods, such as creating flashcards, summarising information, and teaching the same concepts to other people.

Here are some study habits that can make you more effective and help you achieve all your goals:

  1. Make a dedicated study plan.
  2. Take notes for your papers.
  3. Take breaks whenever necessary.
  4. Stick to a timetable.
  5. Change your scenery to become more productive.

You can also find a comfortable environment and a quiet place to study and minimise distractions. Make sure that nothing distracts you while you are focused on academic assignments and other projects.

10.  A Balanced Lifestyle

While studies and academic activities are important, it is also important to have a maintained and well-balanced life. You should engage in different hobbies and spend time with friends and family. Also, pursue all the activities that bring you fulfilment and joy.

This balance can alleviate stress and enhance one’s overall well-being. Hence, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the effective coping strategies for academic stress.

11.  Seek Help

If academic pressure starts hitting a bit harder, you can get professional help from mental health specialists. A study titled Student Mental Health In England: Statistics, Policy And Guidance states that a growing proportion and number of students were seeking help from their higher education mental health specialists.

It can be helpful to consult a professional who can solve all your problems and provide you with specialised guidance. Furthermore, the professionals can also present custom tips tailored to your individual needs.

What Are Some of the Examples of Stressful Situations for Students?

The life of a student can be quite stressful. Too much stress can be harmful to the overall well-being of students, as 70% of them report going through feelings of anxiety and depression.

According to Oxford Learning, some of the reasons that may give birth to stressful situations for students are the following:

  1. Too much homework
  2. Upcoming tests
  3. Daily academic workload
  4. Lack of organisation
  5. Too little time for rest
  6. Poor sleeping schedule
  7. Lack of academic assistance
  8. Sudden change in the routine
  9. Uncertainty about future
  10. Concerns about university life
  11. Social pressures
  12. Fear of failure

Students can solve all of these problems and issues by applying strategies for handling academic stress. You can apply the tips and techniques mentioned above in this article.

The Bottom Line

A lot of academic pressure can lead students to problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Although a small amount of academic pressure is healthy, the harmful impact of such stress should not be underestimated. Students must take their time to navigate their way out of burnout by following healthy coping strategies for academic stress.

If you want an expert professional to manage the workload and provide you with academic assistance, you can hire custom assignment writing companies online. Their timely help elevates the burden of studies from the shoulders of students and makes them stress-free.

So, that was all about it. It is crucial to cater to the root cause of severe academic pressure and stress. We hope that the 11 best strategies mentioned in this article will be helpful to you.